Solara Patio Covers from Patio Covers Ohio

Patio Covers in Ohio

Our Story

PatioCoversOhio began with 25 years experience in the home improvement business and relying on a strong work ethic, which our owner credits as his most valuable – and only – inheritance from his loving parents. This persistent hard work has guided the company through its early and humble beginnings and will remain a cornerstone of the business into the future.

Before PatioCoversOhio, we started from the bottom and worked our way up. We have spent many long days in the field to help grow our knowledge, training, including setting up new territories and managing multi-million dollar projects along the way. Through it all, we have learned to remain close to the action, never operating from behind a desk or in a corporate boardroom.

Over our careers, we have met some of the finest people and been a part of building long-lasting relationships. After all, business is built on people and relationships, not just merely products. Through these relationships, we learned invaluable lessons that will help guide us as we take this company to even greater heights.

Our Core Beliefs

We believe in listening more and speaking less. We believe in solving problems, as opposed to merely selling. We believe that everyone wants value, and not just a low price. Finally, we believe that everyone wants to buy and not be sold.

Our Mission

Our mission is to offer homeowners the most unique, low-maintenance and cutting-edge products to expand their outdoor living space, all while providing the most affordable prices and convenient terms possible. We strive to earn each client’s trust and confidence by offering unparalleled quality, service and professionalism.